Now to begin, their is a team named SMOED! They practice daily, work hard, and always end up with the crown! Then, last year their team messed up at every competition, but at Worlds hit a perfect routine! INCREDIBLE! Its hard to be a team that people look up to, and have so much more pressure on them to hit a routine! They also spend thousands of dollars on traveling and their uniforms and bows. They then go to competitions and fight for first place! Now, imagine being on a team who would have terrible practices and competitions, and traveled all the way to WORLDS!!!! Their would be so much stress and anxiety! Its unreal! So in 2014 they had a really bad year and won Worlds. People think that they one Worlds because the coaches bribed the coaches or hacked the competition. Now I know from watching their videos on YouTube that i could not see them doing that because most of the athletes are doing it for fun and for the love of the sport. But, you never know whats inside the peoples mind. In conclusion, this is my conspiracy on Smoed winning Worlds by having a terrible season!!Thank you for reading!!