When I think of cheering I think about a lot of things! I think of all star teams! Having fun with all the people on the team and getting close with everyone! Working hard, achieving my goals, getting in shape, and most importantly winning WORLDS! Now, some of you might not even know what worlds is? Well, its the most well-known competition that every cheerleader wishes to go to and successfully win. These are some examples of teams that have worked their butt off for and who are very privileged to be where they stood!

These pictures show teamwork, dedication, and everything that any person would want if they were to be on an all star team. As you can obviously tell, my blogs are going to be about cheering. I've been cheering for almost 6 years ,and I've learned A LOT!!!!! I will show you tips, practicing ideas, and anything you would want to know about the SPORT called cheering. YES! YES! YES! CHEERING IS A SPORT! If you were wondering. Later on in my blogs i'll talk more about how it is for some of you who disagree. To sum up, this is my blog!!! Comment, follow to learn more! You won't regret it! Hope you enjoyed!
