Different sizes, colors, and personalitys! SO THAT MYTH IS A LIE! The next myth is that you have to be blonde to be a cheerleader! LOOK AT THE PIC AGAIN MY FRIENDS !! I have brown hair and I've been cheering for 6th years and have not yet seen a team look alike!! The next myth is THAT CHEERING IS FOR GIRLS ONLY! Nope it's also for boys! Every all star team adleast has a boy, and they are amazing! My last myth is that cheerleading is not DANGEROUS ! I have fell on my face, back, hurt my wrist, knee, neck, MOSTLY EVERYTHING AND GOT HURT! So what this myth is saying that holding a 100 pound girl in the air on grass or wood or mat and their depending on you to catch them isn't dangerous? WELL IT IS !!! IT IS VERY VERY DANGEROUS! All in all, these are some myths about the AMAZING SPORT CHEERLEADING !
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Hey! Havent talked to you in A LONGGGGGGGGG time! So today I was clueless on what to do my blog on about myths, so i used google and tried to relate to. So first of all a myth that was really common was that to be cheerleader you have to BE PERFECT, AND STUPID, SKINNY! NOOOO NOOO honey! NOOOO! HERE IS A PIC OF A TEAM THAT LOOKS VERY DIFFERENT!
Different sizes, colors, and personalitys! SO THAT MYTH IS A LIE! The next myth is that you have to be blonde to be a cheerleader! LOOK AT THE PIC AGAIN MY FRIENDS !! I have brown hair and I've been cheering for 6th years and have not yet seen a team look alike!! The next myth is THAT CHEERING IS FOR GIRLS ONLY! Nope it's also for boys! Every all star team adleast has a boy, and they are amazing! My last myth is that cheerleading is not DANGEROUS ! I have fell on my face, back, hurt my wrist, knee, neck, MOSTLY EVERYTHING AND GOT HURT! So what this myth is saying that holding a 100 pound girl in the air on grass or wood or mat and their depending on you to catch them isn't dangerous? WELL IT IS !!! IT IS VERY VERY DANGEROUS! All in all, these are some myths about the AMAZING SPORT CHEERLEADING !
Different sizes, colors, and personalitys! SO THAT MYTH IS A LIE! The next myth is that you have to be blonde to be a cheerleader! LOOK AT THE PIC AGAIN MY FRIENDS !! I have brown hair and I've been cheering for 6th years and have not yet seen a team look alike!! The next myth is THAT CHEERING IS FOR GIRLS ONLY! Nope it's also for boys! Every all star team adleast has a boy, and they are amazing! My last myth is that cheerleading is not DANGEROUS ! I have fell on my face, back, hurt my wrist, knee, neck, MOSTLY EVERYTHING AND GOT HURT! So what this myth is saying that holding a 100 pound girl in the air on grass or wood or mat and their depending on you to catch them isn't dangerous? WELL IT IS !!! IT IS VERY VERY DANGEROUS! All in all, these are some myths about the AMAZING SPORT CHEERLEADING !