Tuesday, October 27, 2015

SMOED 2013 Review!

My Favorite Cheerleadering Team and Season Ever!!!!!!!!

     To some people cheerleading may just be another thing to do, but for this team it was their life. They have won Worlds 4 times. They are an extraordinary team who work out daily at the gym called "California All-Stars". They have been open for almost 10 years, and still going strong. They work with kids from 5 years old to 19 years old, so everyone has a really tight bond! There practices at the gym are hardcore. They run 4 miles, and then condition for sometimes 30 minutes to almost an hour. That is another reason on how cheering is a sport, and important to some people. Showing upto the practices and doing all the obstacles and how they all show dedication. For some people who dont understand why their name is SMOED it is because it stands for Small-Coed , which means both boys and girls are on the team but their can only be 4 boys. The boys on Smoed are OUTSTANDING! For a person in general to be on the team they have to be very experienced about the sport and have to be able to know how to feel comfortable with change because on SMOED your spot is never permanent. You could one day be a base who lifts people up then all of a sudden be a flyer. These changes could all cause injuries. For all-star teams like SMOED injuries happen daily! People on the team tear their ACL, and dislocate parts on their body and still are determined to compete at competitions. All the kids know that being on the team is a privilege so they dont take their opportunity for granted!
     Now, your probably wondering on how i know all this information about the team. Well, i basically follow all of the cheerleaders on social media and on YouTube they have a YouTube channel called AwesomenessTv, and the team Smoed is on it. They basically have people from AwesomenessTv follow SMOED around and take videos of their practices and competitions and see how they came from a team with nervous faces to a team that is confident about everything and gives a 100% everyday and gives everything to contribute to his or her team. For anyone that is on SMOED i give them props to putting up with their hard routine and ESPECIALLY THE COACHES! The coaches are Orby Orta and the head coach Eddie Rios. They have to be the toughest coaches around! In my opinion they might even be worse then football team coaches. They don't care if your dying on the floor throwing up they will make you do anything, and work you harder! Seems easy, but ITS NOT! IT takes alot to be on the team.In conclusion, this is the team SMOED! I hope you enjoyed my review on the team. All together this team is amazing and are the defintion of perfection! Leave a comment if you have questions or anything you would like to tell me! Follow me for more about the sport called cheering! PEACE OUT!