Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Attack On Paris :(

   This week I am blogging about something off topic, but very necessary to talk about! As may of you have heard their was an attack on Paris. On November 13th, gunmen were unleashed, and left more than 132 people dead and more then 350 injured. All together, the attack was now known for the deadliest attack in France. Their were attackers with hurled grenades, suicide bombing, and shot hostages. Look at these pictures of the devastation.:(


   Look at all of that! And all of this happened in just one night! Can you believe that? This was an attack that ISIS did! They attacked a soccer game,concert, and evenings suddenly disturbed. as people said " The sounds of explosions and gunfire could be heard throughout the city" That night and early Saturday morning police were swarming the streets. This was the second time this year that Paris has been a scene of mass murder. French President vowed revenge. He stated that " WE are going to lead a war which will be pitiless". The French government at first announced that all eight of the attackers had been killed. Now in Washington, President Obama offered condolences to the French people and promised U.S. help " to bring these terrorists to justice." In conclusion, Obama said that the wave of violence was not just an assault on France, but President Barack Obama called it " an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share." All in all, this was just a summary of what happened in Paris. I think everyone should acknowledge this extremely devastating attack. Thank you for reading my blog about this attack! Like and comment! #PrayForParis <3

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How To Become A Cheerleader!

Hey guys I'm back with another blog post. This blog post is about how to become a cheerleader. I picked this topic because I just became captain on my cheer team at school and I think these tips could benefit you the way they did me.  I believe that these tips could help you in many ways. For example, having confidence in yourself can help you by believing in yourself more. When I first started cheering I was a back spot and base, then last year I just became a flyer.  I had to learn all the qualities to have in a flyer.  I had to know when to make faces, like smiling or winking, had to trust the people below me; and had to stretch to pull all my skills together. All in all, this shows how you would have confidence. Thank you for viewing my blog! Leave a comment and follow me!!! Have a blessed day!!
See you next week!! 


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Interviewing Former Cheerleader

Interviewing My Sister!

    Hey I'm back today with a very interesting person who has been with me since day 1. LITERALLY like i was born and she was there no joke! *laughing emoji face! So, she is a former cheerleader, and has cheered for 6 years like me, but had to sit out one year because she had knee surgery. She has to be my role model because she is the one who encouraged me to start cheering. So, enough background information but so today i am going to get on with the point of this blog and that is that i am going to interview my sister about the sport cheering!

Question: What inspired you to become a cheerleader?
Answer:  well it all started when my 3rd grade teacher passed out the tryout flyers and i was interested. I asked my mom and she said yes so i tried out and i made the team and i did great! I met new people, got to know people better, got awards, and so many opportunities.

Question: What was your favorite thing about cheerleadering?
Answer: Doing competitions, and getting things at the competitions. I maybe got 50 bows every competitions, and my favorite part was getting a smoothie or dip-dots!

Question: Who was your inspiration in cheering?
Answer: I really didn't have an inspiration, but if i had to pick it would be an all-star team like SMOED. They are so inspiring, and give everything they got to the floor.

Question: What was your position in cheer?
Answer: i was a backspot and base. My favorite position is backspotting because i feel in control.

   In conclusion, this is my interview with my sister about cheering and her experience on her cheer-leading teams. Thank you for listening to this blog, comment, and follow me! BYE FOR THIS WEEK!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Comparing Pro-Athletes VS. Regular Cheerleaders

Hey! I'm back with another blog post and in this one I am comparing regular cheerleaders to all-star cheerleaders. What is the difference between all-star and regular cheerleaders? Well, ALOT! Being  an all-star cheerleader is ALOT of work! All-star teams work mostly everyday of the week. Being on an all-star team is such a huge opportunity! You could experience SO MANY NEW THINGS! New competitions, and people. To add, by being on an all-star you have to have amazing skills! Something cool is that you could become famous because of your hard work! Here are some pictures of their dedication!

 Now in these photos they are showing hard work!No team that are just cheering for football or basketball can learn that and hit everything perfectly! Its crazy how they could do all this, and trust every person and have a great bond! Now these are pictures of regular cheerleaders who cheer for games. Tell me if you see the difference?

To me these pictures are EXTREMELY different then the ones above!!!!!! To sum up, all they do is cheer and just don't really do anything unless they do a Hello cheer in the beginning and something at half-time. I would know because I am a regular cheerleader but my team does go to competition too though! So I experienced some of what all-star teams experience, but not all the competitions and seeing other teams. Being a regular cheerleader is hard to but, a little bit easier. I wouldn't say my team is easy, but it is compared to all-star teams! They condition for maybe the whole practice while all I do is run a lap and maybe do 15 frog jumps. I would want to do more and make my team better, but it is hard!

On the other hand, all-star teams and regular cheer teams may be different in many ways, but can be similar. They are similar because all teams equally do it for the fun of it. Another similarity is that they do show determination even though some jobs might be harder than others. Lastly, they are alike because they all try their best and at the end of the day show that they are proud of themselves.

To sum up, these are some similarities and differences about pro-athletes and regular cheerleaders. Comment if you have questions or suggestions! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!